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Overview NSX Advanced Load Balancer (a.k.a Avi) offers variety of advanced load balancing and application security features, one of which is WAF (Web Application Firewall) which allows security administrators to control traffic to and from web servers behind NSX ALB. This capability extends also to protect web servers hosted in containers, this is achieved by […]

Overview In this blog post I am going to walk you through the configuration of HTTPS Layer 7 Ingress for Tanzu workloads using VMware NSX ALB (Avi) Kubernetes Operator (AKO). Ingress is a kubernetes resource which allows users to define Layer 7 routing rules and/or load balancing options for their HTTP/HTTPS backed services. Obviously HTTPS […]

Overview vSphere Availability zones were introduced in vSphere 8 to provide high availability for Tanzu Workloads across clusters. Clusters are mapped to zones and they do not have to be co-located in the same physical datacenter however they must be under the same logical datacenter construct with latency between sites not exceeding 100ms. This provides […]

Overview With the release of vSphere 8, VMware introduced Tanzu Kubernetes Grid clusters version 2, with TKG 2 you can integrate the supervisor cluster with an external identity provider via OpenID Connect (which utilises OAuth2.0 for client authentication) which allows organisations to use separate users and groups for their developers who need to deploy and […]

Overview In part two of my blog series covering Kubernetes/Tanzu as a service using cloud director and CSE 4.0, I will continue the deployment workflow started in part one, the workflows covered in part two will include NSX ALB integration with Cloud Director and eventually deploying a Tanzu cluster inside Tenant Pindakaas which we created […]

Overview In a previous blog post series (part one and part two) I covered how service providers can offer Tanzu as a Service (TaaS) to their tenants based on vSphere with Tanzu enabled vSphere clusters, this offers a native out-of-the-box capability of Cloud Director and vSphere to offer Tanzu clusters natively to tenants without the […]